Hello and welcome
After years of practising as a Breastfeeding counsellor and plenty of study days and studying at home I finally plugged up the courage in 2010 to sit the 6 hour exam (not my favourite part) and become an IBCLC. This is an official definition of what that means:
What is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)?
- Recognized the world over as possessing the only standardized, board certified lactation credential available
- Knowledgeable about up-to-date evidence-based practices in lactation as demonstrated through a rigorous exam process
- Experienced in a wide variety of complex breastfeeding situations
- Competent to assist mothers with establishing and sustaining breastfeeding, even in the midst of difficulties and high-risk situations that can arise
- Sensitive to the needs of both mothers and children as they work to help mothers meet their breastfeeding goals
- Ethical in their practice, abiding by Standards of Practice and a Code of Ethics and working within a defined Scope of Practice
For more information visit the following websites:
On the following two pages I will explain how I work and what is included in the scope of my private practice.
Information for parents
Information for health professionals
Telephone: 07757 407 075