Babies and sensory perception issues
Information and support on miscarriage and stillbirth
Information on Vitamin D and Forever Living Aloe Vera
Insufficient glandular tissue and low milk supply
Pregnancy and birth information
The first few weeks with a baby
Babies and sensory perception issues
Breastfeeding and the sensory world of the baby
Sensory processing and breastfeeding
Tactile Defensiveness and Other Sensory Modulation Difficulties
Breastfeeding and Sensory Processing (Resources)
Body work
The importance of breastfeeding a – craniopathic perspective
Video: Cranial Osteopathy for babies
Video: Overview of Paediatric Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy – sensory processing disorder in children or adults
Explanation of osteopathic work
Breastfeeding difficulties and chiropractic bodywork
Exclusively pumping
Exclusively pumping breast milk
Exclusively Pumping breast milk – Facebook group
Exclusive pumping: Making it work for you
Information on Infant sleep
Infant Sleep Information Source
Infant Sleep Information Source – Facebook group
Information and support on miscarriage and stillbirth
Mrs. Duck And The Woman – A Story of Healing
Flash Of Life – a collection of poems
Information on breastfeeding
La Leche League – get support and find your local group
Breastfeeding without birthing
Coeliac disease and breastfeeding
Breastfeeding baby with cancer
Breastfeeding with Leukemia: the Non-Regrets of a Bereaved Mother
Breastfeeding after breast and nipple surgeries
Breastfeeding after reduction surgery
Breastfeeding after breast reduction surgery
Information on Vitamin D and Forever Living Aloe Vera
Thoughts on the vitamin D controversy
Vitamin D requirements during pregnancy, lactation & early infancy: A moving target?
Vitamin D and breastmilk what’s a babe to do
Forever Living Aloe Vera

Insufficient glandular tissue and low milk supply
Insufficient glandular tissue and breastfeeding
Risk of invalidating moms who say they can’t breastfeed
Why some moms can’t exclusively breastfeed: An IGT mum’s journey
The Impact of Thyroid Dysfunction on Lactation
Long-term at-breast supplementing for the breastfed baby
Living with chronic low milk supply
LGBTQ friendly health care providers (world wide)
LGBTQ Parenting
Breastfeeding and parenting from a transgender perspective
Breastfeeding story of a transgender dad
Breastfeeding transgender dad looks back on one year of breastfeeding his baby
Mental health
Common pregnancy worries: antenatal depression
D-MER – negative feelings when breastfeeding
Alia Macrina Heise from – Facecbook group
Is D-MER real: does breast milk letdown really cause depression?
Handouts on Depression in New Mothers
Helping men beat the baby blue and overcome depression
Long term healing/perspectives
Depression in men: a dad’s story of male postpartum depression
Post Natal Depression – DVD for teaching
Bereaved dads – Facebook group
How infertility shapes who we become
Pregnancy and birth information
Antenatal Expressing of Colostrum
Video: The Basics of Breast Massage and Hand Expression
Protecting human rights in childbirth
Caesarean Birth and VBAC Information
Video: The natural caesarean: a woman-centred technique
Birth trauma and PTSD – raising awareness
Premature Baby
Neonatal Unity for Mothers and Babies
Resources: Resources for Parents of Premature Infants
Supporting Premature Infant Nutrition (SPIN)
Video: Supporting Premature Infant Nutrition
The first few weeks with a baby
What happened to ethics in paediatric medicine?
Does a new study really support leaving your child to cry?
Parenting Teens and Young Adult Multiples
Dad’s point of view: Breastfeeding as a team sport
Tongue Ties
Oral motor skills and breastfeeding – oral defensiveness
Helping mothers breastfeed their newborn infants
Video: Laser anterior tongue tie revision
Video: Laser posterior tongue tie revision
Video: Laser tongue tie revision healing and care instructions
The hidden cause of feeding problems? (however you feed your baby)
Breastfeeding should be fun and enjoyable – Why does it hurt when I breastfeed?
Result of tongue tie clip: 9 month old – from eating little to lots
Video: Result of a tongue tie clip in a 42 year old woman
Story of a tongue tie division (clip) of an older baby
Tongue Tie UK – Connecting with other parents and health professionals
Tongue Tie and Bodywork
Is your baby a tether-berg or tether-floe?
Tongue Tie and Speech
Failure to treat tongue tie: Implications over the life cycle
Hobart speech pathologist leading the world
Tongue Tie and Reflux
Holistic treatment of reflux (GERD) and colic in babies
Healing world one vagal nerve time
Tongue tie – Mums story – holistic care
When breast meets tongue tied baby
Consequences of untreated tongue tie
Tongue tie: Information for parents and practitioners
What we have learned from our tongue tied babies?
The tongue was involved, but what was the trouble?
Tongue Tie and food
A hidden cause of children’s eating difficulties
Adult Tongue Tie
Ride the bull: Hope for healing after frenectomy
What to expect after a tongue tie revision
What to expect after tongue-tie and lip-tie release
Thoughts on aftercare – stretches
Tongue tie – gentleness and compassion for the baby
The great debate: Tongue tie aftercare
Tongue exercises
Video: Frenectomy exercises with Melissa Cole of Luna Lactation
Upper Lip tie Info
Introducing the maxillary labial frenulum – Thoughts on breastfeeding with an upper labial tie
Breastfeeding baby with lip and posterior tongue ties
Thomas’ journey from bottle-feeding to exclusive breastfeeding
Laser treatment for Lip Ties and Tongue Ties
London – Dr Levinkind
Huddersfield – Cote Royd Dental Practice
Thoughts and information on ‘tummy time’
Sensory benefits of crawling and four point positioning
The Gestalt Centre London: Information on Gestalt and Gestalt courses
Chronic illness – The Spoon Theory
The Sacred Trust: information on Shamanism and courses
Explanation of all the different titles: Peer supporter, Breastfeeding Counsellor IBCLC etc.